Thinking is mental activity that is directed towards GETting WISHes.
Just because folks get plugged into things that stimulate their brains, doesn't mean they are actually using their brains for what they were meant to do, which is to think about their WISH.
Distractions stop thinking.
As we go through our day
Do we really think about things or do we go through our motions with as little thinking as possible? If the latter why are we avoiding thinking as if it were something painful when it's actually a lot of FUN?
Of course THINKING has existed since homosapiens stood erect and invented concepts and plans etc.
However, most of our thinking is done unconsciously. That is to say, most of our mental activity that is directed towards GETting WISHes is done unconsciously.
We rarely think about thinking.
Without a WISH is it really THINKING?
Maybe I'm conditioning myself to think about things in terms of WISH because of my use of this system. But it occurs to me how much time I spend aimlessly wandering through desultory mental activity.
Like watching TV and having a conversation about that - is that really THINKING or is it just spouting off some opinion about something you can't do anything about as if you're some kind of expert? Right?
When you get to a WISH because of some mental activity you did in the past, you can honestly say that you were actually THINKING. My hope is that I will gain some of my WISHes and I have that hope because I am consciously THINKING about them now.