
i predict the following


sri 10 years ago


Your luck will change. Where you choose to steer your luck is up to you. What you consider "lucky" is a function of whatever currently owns your focus. When you avoid playing the lottery, who cares what the winning numbers are? Who remembers them in a month?

Your FORTUNE is a different animal entirely. You are in possession of your own future, when you start paying attention to it. Your life begins anew each morning. What you wake up to in the dawn is what you began yesterday. Today, apparently, you began reading this book.

Folks do a lot of different things with the ideas they absorb. Smart folks invest in good ideas and build personal systems to help them make those ideas part of their future behavior. You have to want a specific future to get there.

What you will find in this book is a compass to navigate to the future you select. You give yourself the right, the honor, the privilege of designing your own future, because after all, you're the one who's going to be living it.

sri 10 years ago


When the opportunity arises to do something with Noble worth and profound consequence, you need to accept your #responsibility to act decisively.

sri 10 years ago

more good notes

Wow! /sales

sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago

TOFortune outline


sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago

Do you Fear Change?

Why do we need to be persuaded to ask for the the things that would obviously make us happy from those people who can make it happen for us? Why is asking a normal question in the English language which you made all your progress in life with so difficult? What is the real goal of avoiding your dreams and your utter inability to ask the right person a simple #question with some anticipation of a YES answer??? Why does one need to be PERSUADED that that is a good idea??? Do you fear change?

sri 10 years ago

Disrupting Homeostasis For A New World

Most of us are averse to change. We notice changes, and scan our surroundings for changes, and get used to things being a certain way. This is called HOMEOSTASIS. You can use MAGIC to gently disrupt the homeostasis we all live in, get what you want and need, then re-establish homeostasis around the new reality.

sri 10 years ago

It takes AUDACITY to ASK!!!

Real questions ask for something AWESOME which takes audacity to dare to ask for such a thing!!!

sri 10 years ago

MAGIC requires WILL to work.

The will can exist separate from the human body. My sticker career proves that. The explanation of each and every sticker was: it was my Will to do so. Therefore each sticker I created was MAGIC.

sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago

MAGIC leads to FUN.


sri 10 years ago


A process that grows and amplifies and gives sense to what comes later is something that is alive. Things are not alive when they remain static. MAGIC is that which is alive yet not biological in nature. If you have a MAGIC carpet, for instance, there are properties to that carpet which unleash hidden and powerful capabilities, ok? It isn't powerful unless it's valuable in some way. What you find as valuable that others find as mundane has to do with your ability to key on to MAGIC - the POTENTIAL of an object, situation or person, not just what is presented to you by visual inspection. When you detect potential in others you become their best friend.

sri 10 years ago

My goal is to sell this book like hotcakes.

The fact is that millions of folks need to create MAGIC to get them closer to their goals. I respect my reader because I am my reader and that means I want to create a book that makes MAGIC a whole lot easier.

sri 10 years ago


Clearly, the antithesis of will is resistance.

Acts of will exert force and involve sacrifices, whose meaning is obvious to the individual in the context of his own love and which actually produce some love. Acts of love generated a development in the will and in society in general that is more than the empty into the's recapitulation in the individual mind of the course of love which was once celebrated by the folks who are trapped in the past as the number one goal of life.

sri 10 years ago

MAGIC is just INFORMING folks of the TRUTH.

Simply telling the truth is the core of MAGIC. I'm trying to say that this book is writing itself because there is a lot of information that you haven't received yet that could make you a far more capable person.

sri 10 years ago

MAGIC writes itself.

MAGIC is about a tiny catalyst to kick things off resulting in immense positive benefits for everyone. If it's good magic it helps everyone... but folks often do not really know what they want and need before the MAGIC process begins.

sri 10 years ago

Here's the process

  • Know the truth about what she ought to want.
  • Tell her something true. Get her to say "yes".
  • Then ask her a question. "Can I ask you a question? Can we be friends?"
sri 10 years ago


All that which CREATES CHANGE is MAGIC. What is "change"? Because words like "evolution" and "science" are soft words we can define them as we choose. Well, MAGIC creates change without folks knowing how you did it.

sri 10 years ago


"The emperor has no clothes!!!" are magic words that create instant perceptual change. Coming up with these sentences has a lot to do with MAGIC, because MAGIC is that which CREATES CHANGE.

sri 10 years ago

If you watch television you are stupid.

Someone had to say it, eventually, right? Here you go... you're a superior human being because you're reading a book instead of watching TV.

Like MAGIC, you and I have spun a group between the two of us. We can even call it a conspiracy because we've got better things to do with our time. We are working on our magic moves.

sri 10 years ago

GUTS to ask the RIGHT question.

it's not magic to just ask any question although every question has the whiff of magic to it. it's magic to ask a question that gets the person asked thinking about giving you what you need from her.

sri 10 years ago


You are only asking for something achievable - a friendship. This ought to be achievable and leads to everything else... without friendship you're nowhere anyway, ok? Friendship with girls you like is your goal for right now.

sri 10 years ago

MAGIC makes STRESS into FUN.

  • To explain how STRESS is the absence of FUN.
  • Because you feel STRESS you are not having FUN and that means you need to take ACTION.
  • Being STRESSED will fuck up your decisions every time.
  • Unless you focus on having FUN, you may take the WRONG action.
sri 10 years ago

ASKING. That's it!

If you had only ASKED, you would have gotten Hannah and Piper and Candace and god knows what else you could have gotten. You could have ASKED andrea to be trustworthy and ethical towards you. You could have ASKED and you never did, you never fucking did, and that is the secret title of this book: ASK.

sri 10 years ago


sri 9 years ago

we can eliminate stress with MOVES.

Life is exhausting without progress! i'm sick of being stuck! this is why i began writing this book, because i wasn't creating MAGIC with my life. is it time for me to write a book to help millions of readers create MAGIC yet??? or am i still out of it, so out of it that when millions of folks feel more stuck than ever i'm still too unfocused to do anything at all but procrastinate on my writing?

sri 10 years ago

MAGIC is the quality of a MOVE.

Most MOVES that we can make are going to effect some change in our environment or within ourselves.

sri 10 years ago


  • To explain my theory of MAGIC as a set of words that create lasting change.
  • To speak directly to the horse of my reader's soul in order to egg them on towards their goals.
  • To sell millions of books because it's a must-read book according to like Fast Company.
  • To help my reader so very much.
  • To create a habit of writing for money and change rather than writing without goals.
sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

PROGRESS is the goal.

I don't know how you will define progress, or your goal. I just want to help you get there faster so you can get to more progress and more goals and basically to achieve more in life.

If $5 can do that, you can call that book MAGIC and be telling the truth, right?

sri 10 years ago


That which is MAGIC will reliably DELIVER. This book must be actually DELIVERED in order to qualify for the title of MAGIC. It must be DELIVERED by me to amazon kindle store instead of me wasting my life in other ways. And it must DELIVER in terms of real-maieutic-value-to-my-beloved-reader.

sri 10 years ago

This is writing itself, so I want to DELIVER.

I've got to create a tangent here because DELIVERING this book is going to be the MAGIC that I as the author need right now, huh?

sri 10 years ago

why can't you make some progress tonight?

Logistically it is possible to do this. Your real friends wouldn't stop you. Spiritually, this book already has turned you on to new potentials, so you can count on it turning you on to them when you see your next move unfolding in your mind's eye. You just want to make some progress so you can swing into tomorrow with momentum, or maybe take some new notes on this book and get a feel for your potential. In fact that's what you want to do is make some progress as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be fun to make some progress tonight? The answer is YES.

Since it would be FUN, you are motivated. Yet you aren't doing it. Therefore the problem must be some kind of deficiency in your ABILITY. Let's analyze that now.

sri 10 years ago


Physics is about forces. MAGIC is also about forces. Draw force diagrams and vectors. What you need is graph paper.

sri 10 years ago

LEARNING is the essence of MAGIC.

Any real MAGIC user can tell you that failure is the only way to succeed. One must always find oneself trying just about everything to get it right. You can only learn when you are faced with a gap in your knowledge.

sri 10 years ago

Therefore, MAGIC is LEARNING.

It comes down to learning how.

And failure is always the best way to learn...

sri 10 years ago


If a girl turns into my girlfriend, that's undoubtedly an inexplicable transformation and therefore it would be MAGIC. It takes MAGIC to transform things that are not obvious to everyone to your advantage.

sri 10 years ago

Only NEEDING makes you TRY AGAIN.

If you WANT something but don't NEED it, you may try for it ONCE and then GIVE UP.

Therefore, If you WANT something, you should NEED it. Make it burn in your heart and you'll now have the fortitude to fail until you learn and then win.

sri 10 years ago


You get what you want if nobody else wants it.

Wanting something original is the key to acquiring Surprise.

sri 10 years ago

What do you NEED? Really?

That is what you need to distill through goal analysis. You brainstorm about your goals to figure out what you NEED...

  • what you need to DO
  • what you need to GET
  • what you need to HAVE
  • what you need to KNOW etc.
sri 10 years ago


You begin with a human being at STATE ONE or the "beginning" and then cast a MAGIC spell on them. They then enter STATE TWO or "middle" transformation. After the transformation is complete, they are in STATE THREE, the "goal" state.

sri 10 years ago

you must JUSTIFY your needs.

WHY do you need what you want? I need a billion users because... makes a want statement into a need statement and unearths reasons for you succeeding. Unlike "wants", a NEED is always JUSTIFIED. So turn your WANT into a NEED by using the word BECAUSE.

"I want your body" turns into "I need your body because you turn me on so fucking much."

It is these reasons for you succeeding that make others need along with you which makes them need to help you.

sri 10 years ago


To say "I want a million dollars" is semantically equivalent to "My goal is a million dollars."

sri 10 years ago

real NEEDS come from GOALS.

Without GOALS you don't know what you NEED, ok? Folks think they need this or that, but without a GOAL to hold these needs together, you're nowhere.

sri 10 years ago


Where output is "impossible" you're going to need MAGIC to begin your process.

Arguably the beginning of all real output, or change, is MAGIC.

sri 10 years ago


These are the key phases of the Movement. The Seventh brings Return.

sri 10 years ago


MAGIC is often an ambush because you ask someone for something they never imagined someone would ask for, and they say YES, surprising even themselves, and you get what you want, against all odds, and unlike others who look like such winners, you keep it, and get better at owning it, because it was hard to earn. MAGIC.

sri 10 years ago

real NEEDS come from CRISIS

You can't have STRESS without having the potential for CRISIS and CRISIS is actually the source of all ideas for positive transformation.

sri 10 years ago

if it ain't MAGIC, it's MUNDANE

and MUNDANE is what causes stress because we wind up doing things to relieve the pressure of mundanity, or alienation.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

Postponing loses your SURPRISE.

Stripped of SURPRISE your MAGIC trick becomes worth a lot less, ok? You need to move fast to do MAGIC.

sri 10 years ago

ASKING, the power of

Maybe we can get closer to our GOALS by ASKING.

I'm pretty sure I've done far too little asking of questions in my life and that I have suffered greatly as a result.

The failure to ask questions meant for me the capitulation to fate that led to losing the opportunity. Time and again it's hard to take an action without asking.

There is no better way to learn how to ask than to learn how to compose a question.

sri 10 years ago

to feel fear, POSTPONE.

The key is that postponing your next move is just creating head static and messing you up. You ought to just roll up your sleeves and make some progress, maybe, because you know this book has been waiting for you here and will be here to egg you on into the future. You know you're available to make some progress tonight if you feel you've got an opportunity to get to one of your goals. You're still not going to do it because you're afraid... afraid of what?

sri 10 years ago

Maybe we could discover our WISH.

Maybe we don't really even know what our WISHes are until we can define our MISSION.

sri 10 years ago

NO is painful to most people.

It takes real strength to say NO. It hurts the brain to refuse any request. You'll get at least a maybe if you ask, even the most outlandish question, if you have SURPRISE on your side.

sri 10 years ago


Over the last few years I have tried the practice of never asking questions. This has been counterproductive so I need to learn the opposite:

Actually asking the question you need to ask of the person who can say YES.

All MAGIC questions have the potential answer of YES!!! from a person who you know has what you need.

The key is framing what you want as what you need, like the Rolling Stones advise in You Can't Always Get What You Want.

sri 10 years ago

1) what do you want?

I want a billion users.

sri 10 years ago

2) want -> need

I need a billion users because this system clearly will help them get more out of life by reaching for the sky more often and more persistently.

sri 10 years ago

3) who can help you here?

We need the media to help us get to a billion users because they instantly fall in love with this system as soon as they see it and that means we need to launch with a PR blitz of some kind and have privacy-enabled accounts ready for them to start using for actual journal work. This implies a whole bunch of #spex like shared-metaspaces etc.

sri 10 years ago